✯Thank you for your interest in the Dallas area solo show on September 22nd!
Here are more details for you :)
Show Date: September 22nd
Show Start time: Doors at 5pm / I start singing at 6pm
Venue address: 310 Highland Village Rd. Highland Village, TX 75077
Venue Name is: The Barn at a park called "Double Tree Ranch”.
✯ Here is a link so you can look it up the venue ahead of time: https://www.highlandvillage.org/673/Doubletree-Ranch-Park
✯ There is a simple BBQ style dinner being served starting at 5pm if you are interested. Dinner will be between 10-20 dollars per person and will need to be paid to “Robin” (who is hosting the event) in cash evening of.
✯ PLEASE let me know know if you are interested in having dinner so Robin can arrange with the caterer before hand by emailing me at: jr@reid-richards.com - NOTE - The site being on a park site has no liquor license… so no alcohol.
✯ I will be wondering around before and after performing to say hello 🤘🏻😎
✯ Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased here. I will make note of all who are coming but you can also use your receipt as your ticket to the show.
✯ Just email me at jr@reid-richards.com with any questions and/or if you are planning on having dinner at the venue.
Looking forward to hopefully seeing you! - JR